2 min readJun 13, 2021
Overview of articles I have written — organized by topical area.
STE(A)M: Science, Technology, Engineering, (Art) & Math / Wonder
- Thermodynamics in Game of Thrones (Dragonfire vs. Ice)
- L’Engle, Love and Physics (A Wrinkle In Time’s quantum love)
- Answering Mom: What is Cloud Computing?
- Science is like the Digital Twin of our World
- The Emerging Synthesis of Experience
Science & Technology / Computation
- Destination Wellness (enabled by patient digital twins)
- Barriers to Wellness (follow up to Destination Wellness)
- Model Maturity Web (a rubric for gap assessment & developing models)
- Spinning the Digital Thread (dependencies for success)
- “What do you do in Washington DC?”
The Awakened Enterprise
- Awakened Enterprise (adaptation by design to mitigate uncertainty)
- Provenance for Decision-Making (curating our decisions)
- Machine-augmented Mindfulness (vs human inconsistency)
- (Pre-read) Despite Uncertainty (VUCA and countermeasures)
- (Pre-read) Digital = Magic (the enabling aspects of digital)
- (Why): Irresponsible Caution (the motivation of mediocrity)
The Future of Work: Socio-economic impact of technology
- The Future of Work: People & Civilization
- The Future of Work: Institutions & Economics
- The Future of Work: Technology & Automation
- The Future of Work: Makers vs. Takers
- The Future of Work: Values & Questions
- Future of Work: Essential Resources (compilation of references)
Education & Career / Work Culture
- Your Work Relationship (assessing your job)
- Speak the Mokita: Truth Shall Set You Free
- Future Resume? (rethinking education)
- Human Investment (mind your company’s social capital)
Politics & Economics
- Irresponsible Caution (also relates to business, medicine, etc.)
- Weaponized Words in Partisan Rhetoric (a quick reference)
- Submission to Party Lines (partisan divide)
- Tyranny of Truth: America’s Rejection of Science and Expertise
- Work, Leisure and the Social Contract
- Healthcare After Quarantine (questions to ponder)